Official Statement on Merger with Celestial Imperative

SYNE HEADQUARTERS, YASHUNEN III GENOLUTION BIOTECH PRODUCTION – 27.07.113YC – I am pleased to report that The Synenose Accord today entered into a definitive merger agreement with the Celestial Imperative alliance. This agreement, once fully enacted, will position SYNE as leader of a multi-corporate alliance specializing in research and analysis (R&A) into Sansha’s Nation and other emergent threats to mankind.

Under the terms of the agreement, approved by myself and my counterparts, SYNE will acquire executor status within the next 24 hours. This merger and transition will be executed free-of-charge, Celestial Imperative having been gifted to SYNE based on our successful reputation, the professional conduct of our employees, and ongoing areas of corporate focus. On behalf of Celestial Imperative, I would also like to thank Captain Boma Airaken for facilitating the transition process, and wish him well in his future endeavors.

Today marks a great day for both SYNE and Celestial Imperative. We’re bringing together the superior R&A capabilities of SYNE, with the name of Celestial Imperative and our partner corporations. This will create a competitive enterprise uniquely focused and positioned to continue ongoing areas of focus, including Sansha’s Nation and other emergent threats, while opening the door to further cooperation and engagement with our non-alliance partners.

We expect to published a revised alliance mandate within approximately one week.

Commander S. Baxter (CN)
CEO, The Synenose Accord
Executor-Designate, Celestial Imperative Alliance

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